Borabanda Pincode

Pincode of Borabanda is 500018.

Borabanda area is served by Sanathnagar IE SO post office which has the pincode of 500018. So all the areas served by Sanathnagar IE SO will have a pincode of 50018. Thats why pincode of Borabanda is 500018. Borabanda is a locality in Balanagar Taluk of KV Ranga Reddy district in the state of Telangana, India.

Your search for Borabanda Pincode probably means that you are writing a letter or sending a parcel to someone who is residing in Borabanda. Before you leave this page check for the following must follow rules for prompt and fast delivery of your letter/parcel to the person you are sending.

Good Practices for sending a letter or parcel by India post.

borabanda pincode

  1. Always write the type of post on the top of the letter. There are many types of posts like register post, speed post, parcel post, business post etc. You have to write this on the top of your cover of your letter or parcel as shown in the above image.
  2. Write both from address and to address clearly on the envelop. Writing both the from address and to address will ensure the delivery of the article. If for any reason post office is not able to deliver your article at the destination, your letter/parcel will be delivered to you if you write the from address.
  3. Its a good habit to write the to address on the top right hand side of the envelope. Write the from address on the bottom left hand side of the envelope either on the same side where you wrote to address or the other side.
  4. Post office is now sending sms alerts of the status of your article. It means you will get timely alerts of where your article currently is. So as a good habit mention the phone numbers of both the sender and the receiver on the envelop. Writing phone number will also help the delivery staff to call the customer in case the address in not clear.
  5. Always close the envelope properly so that the contents of the envelope don't fall out in the due course of transmission.

So by following the above good practices your letter or parcel will reach safely to the person residing in borabanda pincode.


You can calculate the postage of the article you are sending here.

After sending your letter or parcel you can track the movement of the article here.

If you are employee of Indiapost, you can find all the latest news here.

Other areas with the same pincode are as follows

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